Massage dilates the blood vessels, improving the circulation and relieving congestion throughout the body.
Massage acts as a mechanical cleanser, stimulating lymph circulation and hastening the elimination of wastes and toxic debris.
Massage relaxes muscle spasm and relieves tension.
Massage increases blood supply and nutrition to muscles without adding to their load of toxic lactic acid, produced through voluntary muscle contraction.
Massage improves muscle tone and helps prevent or delay muscular atrophy.
Massage stretches connective tissue, improves its circulation and nutrition and so breaks down or prevents the formation of adhesions and reduces the danger of fibrosis.
Massage increases the excretion (via the kidneys) of fluids and waste products.
Massage improves the circulation and nutrition of joints and hastens the elimination of harmful deposits.
Massage provides an environment for self-appreciation and nurturing.
Massage enhances positive self-image.
Massage allows focus on awareness and expansion of breath.
Massage provides an opportunity to learn how to relax.